-- Public type-definition
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
-- Private type-definition
lookForPrimeFrom :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
isPrime 2 = True
isPrime n
| n < 2 = False
| even n = False
| otherwise = lookForPrimeFrom n 5
lookForPrimeFrom n i
| ceiling (sqrt (fromIntegral n))+1 < i = True
| (n `mod` i) == 0 = False
| otherwise = lookForPrimeFrom n (i+2)
This code (to me at least) seems very self-documenting. The more I'm playing around with Haskell, the more I'm enjoying it and seeing its strength as a functional language. I think if I were to map this algorithm into more mathematical notation it would look like:
p(n)={0,n=11,n=20,n is even1,∄m∈{x∈N|5≤x≤√n,x is odd}
As you can see, this is somewhat nieve; however, the Haskell code really is quite similar to the mathematical notation.
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