1. Read a Book
This is perhaps the most traditional approach. You have to be careful with this one, because in programming things evolve very quickly. If you are looking for some good, up-to-date books on languages, I would suggest The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
2. Watch YouTube Videos and Follow Along
There are an insane amount of YouTube tutorials out there. My main difficulty with learning programming on YouTube has always been finding reliable teachers. I generally trust GoogleTechTalks and TheNewBoston as go-tos.
3. Start a New Project
Simply learn by doing! It is probably best to do this after you have had some form of a primer on the language. This is one of the most effective ways I have learned new languages. Just think about what you want to build, open google and stackoverflow (keep them handy for language-specific questions) and start coding away!
4. Complete Koans
Koans (path to enlightenment) are a superb way to gain some understanding about a new programming language. Usually test driven, they make you fix small "errors" in code files that emphasize some little feature of the language. Koans are generally incremental so by solving them, a broader understanding of the language is gained.
5. Practice with Cyber-Dojo
This is another tool that you may want to use after you have had some primer on the language you are trying to learn. Cyber-dojo is a cool tool for practicing TDD. It isolates programmers from bloated IDEs so that they can focus on problems, code and tests. Cyber-dojo values finding solutions over the actual solution itself. This makes it a great resource for learning a language, purely from a "writing and testing code" perspective.
6. (If you like Math) Practice with Project Euler
If you can't come up with projects to work on, ProjectEuler presents some fun mathematical challenges that (should) grow harder as you progress through the list of problems. It's fun to develop a code-base around ProjectEuler solutions.
7. (If you like Biology) Practice with Rosalind
Like ProjectEuler, Rosalid is a collection of programming-esque problems. Unlike ProjectEuler, Rosalind problems are centered around Biology. Very cool, and fun.
Extra Tips
- Some languages have online, interactive teaching tutorials which can be cool to check out.
- If an language has an REPL, it can be helpful to play around in it or keep it open as you develop (so you can try code as you think of it). The instant feedback of a REPL is priceless in learning.