Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Just-For-Fun Clojure Spec DSL

TL; DR Clojure is hip for DSLs

Just for the fun of it, I've been playing around with Clojure, building a for-fun spec testing DSL (kind of like RSpec). So far, I must say, Clojure is working awesomely!

Since functions are the first-class citizen (and arguably the highest-class), it seemed natural to start off by defining ways to test them and simple values because, technically, if you can test a value, you can test the application of a function. However, testing return-value-only is not the spec testing way. Things should be descriptive.

So, here are a few examples of my spec testing DSL in action:
(describe 42
  (it > 31))

(describe +
  (when-applied-to 1 2 3 4
    (it = 10)))

The DSL is truly _that_ simple! Sure, these are simple tests, and yes, there's no nice documentation-esque output (yet). But, I just wanted to show how dead simple this DSL is at the moment.

To do the same operation in RSpec, I believe I would have to do something like:
describe 42 do
  subject { 42 }

  it { be > 42 }

describe '#sum' do
  subject { sum(*args) }

  context 'when applied to 1, 2, 3 and 4' do
    let(:args) { [1, 2, 3, 4] }

    it { be 10 }

This isn't terrible, and I in absolutely no way claim this little DSL is as powerful as RSpec, but it is pretty neat, eh? Also, not to mention, the DSL is about 21 lines at this moment (whoot whoot for macros!)

Pure TDD: A JavaScript Example

The other day I took some time to practice TDD, in JavaScript. I chose a problem at random from cyber-dojo and worked my way through, as by-the-book (following Red->Green->Refactor) as I could.

Not only did I finish this exercise, but I committed each step of the process to github.

So, if you're interested in reading through an example as-pure-as-I-can-at-the-moment-TDD-session, start with this commit (I'd recommend a tool like `gitg` so that you can step through the commits easily).

Some Notes

  • The problem took me 12 Red->Green->Refactor cycles where I kept divided up a lot of the refactors into smaller steps (to keep the commits sensible).
  • At some points the algorithm got kind of bloated, but overall patterns did emerge and were easy to generalize.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Quicksort in Ruby

Just wanted to open up some code for examination and/or (hopefully) ridicule. Here's a recent quicksort implementation in Ruby that I threw together:

class Array
  def quick_sort
    return self if count < 2

    pivot = pop
    parts = partition { |x| x < pivot }

    [*parts.first.quick_sort, pivot, *parts.last.quick_sort]

It's pretty straight-forward and Ruby's expressiveness really does cause the code to closely resemble the algorithm.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ruby Metaprogramming: class_eval

Lately I've been looking into ways of DRY-ing up ruby classes. One of the first, and perhaps most scarily powerful, is the class_eval method.

What does it do?

class_eval takes in a block or a string and executes it at the class-level. It's that simple!

Is it useful?

Yeah, it's scary useful. Here's an example where I define a bunch of similar methods on a class:

class Person
  ['age', 'name', 'favorite_color'].each do |attribute|
    ['with', 'and'].each do |prefix|
      class_eval %Q(
        def #{prefix}_#{attribute}(value)
          @#{attribute} = value

  def to_s
    "Name: #@name, Age: #@age, Favorite Color: #@favorite_color"

me =

puts me.to_s # => Name: Michael, Age: 22, Favorite Color: Blue

This short little example used class_eval to define 6 methods on the person class: with_age, and_age, with_name, and_name, with_favorite_color and and_favorite_color! Pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Go(lang): Use a Function to Modify a struct via Reflection

I just started learning Go recently and I must say, it's been a lot of fun. The first real difficulty I've had with the language has been trying to use reflection to set a field on a struct, inside of a function. I found some decent examples, but none that were quite fitting, so I thought I'd share my solution here.

So, just for the fun of it, let's say we have a struct that we know will "always" have a field Brewery:

type Beer struct {
    Brewery string

Note that Brewery is public (sorry for the term, my non-Go experience is showing).

Now let's say we want to create a function that always sets the Brewery to "Dogfish Head", but we want it to operate on the general interface and use reflection (for whatever reason):
import "reflect"

func breweryToDFH(thing interface{}) {
        SetString("Dogfish Head")

Finally, to call it, a pointer must be used, e.g.

beer := Beer{}

And that's all! As one coming from the dynamicity of Ruby, this seems kind of roundabout. So if you know a way to simplify, please feel free to comment. Also, there is a good deal of error handling that should be done here, so for that, I will defer to a stackoverflow post.

Happy "Go-ing"!

Friday, May 23, 2014

What Is A Monad?

Being a hobbyist Haskell programmer, I have heard the term "monad" a lot. In my experience playing with Haskell I have used monads plenty of times, however, it was not until recently that I have come to a digestible understanding of what they really are.

Think Method Chaining

Some of the prominent phrases which I hear being used to describe monads are "they're ways to fake state" and "they are really just a form of method chaining." Although, in my (perhaps nieve) understanding of monads, both of these statements are true, the latter has been far more useful in helping me arrive at a useful understanding of "the m word." So I encourage anyone who may be struggling with the definition of a monad to do the same: think method chaining.

Method Chaining You Say?

Yes method chaining. In the object oriented world this may mean something like this:

So, in OOP, the objects returned by each of these methods would encapsulate state. Now, in Haskell, there is not really a concept of state, things are what they are. The sequential mutilation of objects is not something Haskell supports naturally, so it uses the monad as a slick way to sort of "fake state."

What It Looks Like

Disclaimer: this is my current understand of Haskellian monads, and not the similar but slightly different, mathematically definition of monads

To build a monad, two main functions are necessary as well as a monadic type. First I'll discuss a monadic type.

Monadic Type

A monad's type can be whatever it needs to be. Perhaps one of the most famous ones in the Haskell world it the Maybe monad, which is defined simply as:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
Maybe is one of the most beautiful aspects of Haskell. It is very similar to null or nil in other languages, but what makes it different is the fact that (as I understand it) in Haskell's pure, functional model, Maybe cannot go unhandled or pop up in unexpected places. In my mind, it is a kind of a neat and precise example of a monadic type.

The return Function

Another thing a monad needs is a return function whose signature looks like:

return :: a -> m a
return is simply a function whose purpose is to construct the monadic type. Pretty simple, eh? So for Maybe, this might be as simple as:
return n = Just n

The Bind Function

The other function needed by a monad, the function that truly brings out the magic, is the bind function which is usually denoted as (>>=) in the Haskell world. In the OOP example above, the bind function is kind of like the periods in between the different calls, but oh so much more magical. Bind's signature looks like:

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
So, let's break this down.

The first thing that bind takes is a monadic type. So, this could be something as simple as Just 5 or whatever monadic type you are operating on. The second parameter is a function that takes the type boxed by the first parameter (the monadic type) and returns a monadic type boxing b (which could be the same type as a but by no means must be). In the end, bind returns another monadic type, as returned by the middle parameter.

All in all, this seems like a lot to swallow, and, uh, what does this have to do with method chaining or our return function?

Remember, bind is really one of those strange infix operators, so if I may make some simplifications, it kind of looks like:

a thing >>= function that returns another thing
In this simplification, "thing" is substituted for "monadic type" to make bind easier to swallow. The point is, all this whole mess does is return another monadic type! So, there's nothing keeping me from implementing another bind operator (or reusing the same one, if applicable) like such:
a thing >>= function that returns another thing >>= function that returns yet another thing ...
See what I mean about this being like the "period between" in that above OOP example? All bind really does is take some value (wrapped in a monad) and apply some function to it, and re-wrap the output!

return is pretty cool because a lot of the time it comes at the end of all the binding (wow, a return at the end? Sounds like some other paradigms out there). return is really the end game, the termination of the "chaining."

Parting Words

In conclusion, I hope I have shed some light on what can be a very difficult topic to understand. If you would like to learn more, the Haskell community has a great article on monads also there are some really awesome answers to the question of "what is a monad" on SO.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Why I Dig RSpec

I've been using RSpec a fair amount lately, so I thought I'd talk about some of its features I really dig.

The rspec -f d command

If contexts and describes are favored over loaded setup and it blocks that do too much, you can get some really nice, verbose output from this command.

For example, suppose I have some specs describing a #wear_hat? method of a SimpleDecisions class. My rspec -f d output might look something like the following:

    when I am a vampire
      and it's sunny out
        returns true
      and it's night time
        returns false
    when I am at a home baseball game
      returns true
    when I am at an away baseball game
      and my hat is for my home team
        returns false

Pretty nice, huh? The specs almost match what we would expect the structure of the implementation to be!

Template specs

There's a lot of debate out there about whether test code should be DRY. Some say it shouldn't and that tests should flow and provide context. Others assert (no pun intended) that tests should be maintainable and, therefore, just as clean as (or cleaner than) production code. Template specs meet somewhere in the middle. They can replace many repeated tests at the (slight) expense of maintainability by looping through values and outcomes. For example, a template spec on an absolute value method might look like:

describe Math do

  describe '.abs' do
      [42, 42],
      [0, 0],
      [-42, 42]
    ].each do |given_number, expected_number|

      context "given #{given_number}" do
       subject { described_class.abs(given_number) } 

       it { should be(expected_number) }



In my mind, templates are nice when testing a pure function or when there are multiple, similar tests that can be aggregated.

Argument matchers

These are very cool. For example, say I want to test that an error is logged in a certain case, and I don't care about the specific error text, rather I just want the message to be some String. I could write something like this:

  # ...
  it 'logs an error' do
    # cause error
  # ...

This is a fairly trivial example, but these things are powerful. For a further example, presume ErrorLogger.write actually takes two parameters but I don't care about the second. The line would then become ErrorLogger.should_receive(:write).with(kind_of(String), anything).

Natural decoupling

By providing methods like subject and described_class and providing mechanisms to easily redefine the former, RSpec decouples the specs from things like the name of the class under test or the method being tested. For example, in my above absolute value example, if I changed the class from Math to MathUtils then, assuming everywhere below I referenced Math as described_class, I would only have to rename at the top of the file. One change in the production code would merit one change in the tests. Perfect!


Well, I hope I've expressed some of my favorite things about RSpec. If you would like to see any of my specs, they shouldn't be hard to find in my ruby repositories on github. If you have any comments on these points, or anything you really like about RSpec (or dislike for that matter) I'd love to hear your comments.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Latest Project: froyo

First of all, let my sincerely apologize to anyone who stumbled upon this post looking for frozen yogurt. I beg your forgiveness, as this post contains neither frozen yogurt nor references to frozen yogurt other than those seen above.

Last month I wrote a short post on some of the benefits of using fluent interfaces. A slightly annoying element of implementing fluent interfaces is that fluent methods must return self. For example:
# ...
def im_fluent
  # Do stuff

def me_too
  # Do stuff
# ...
This annoys me not because its some form of duplication (tacking self on the end of each method is far from difficult to manage). Rather, I dislike this because it's not necessarily clear to programmers using this code that returning self enables the benefits of fluent methods. That's where the froyo gem (Fluent Ruby Objects Yo) comes in.

When a ruby class extends FroYo, it mixes-in the make_fluent method. make_fluent accepts the symbols (or string names) of existing method names and creates proxies that return self, leaving existing methods intact. The proxy methods are prefixed with an underscore. Without further ado, here's a simple, useless example:
require 'froyo'

class FunkyStringMaker
  extend FroYo

  def initialize
    @value = ''

  def appending_funky

  def n_times_append_monkey(n)
    n.times { @value.concat('monkey') }

  def blah
    @value = 'blah ' + @value

  def to_s

  make_fluent :blah, :n_times_append_monkey, :appending_funky
  _blah.to_s # => 'blah funkymonkeymonkey'

As usual, all code is on my github.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Software Engineering Lessons from Adventure Time

For the past year or so, I've really enjoyed the show Adventure Time. At first glance it seems like a wacky (very wacky) kids show. Eventually, after watching a few episodes, I found myself hooked and haven't strayed to another cartoon since.

Perhaps my enjoyment is generational (being a 90's kid and all) or perhaps the show transcends generational barriers. I truly don't know. All I know is that it's a truly enjoyable show filled with lessons about life, friendship and adventure.

Being one who enjoys software engineering, I will do my best to apply some of the themes found in Adventure Time to common themes of software development. So, here goes...

Don't Make an "Everything Burrito"

In the above photo, take from the episode "Conquest of Cuteness," we see Jake burying "everything burrito" (a burrito containing, well, everything). This made me think. Sometimes, when we write code, we want to make a huge system to solve a small problem, we want to use a crane to crush a fly.

Whether it's intentional or accidental, we have the best intentions. We know our abilities -- we can create truly amazing things. However, we need to keep the YAGNI principle in mind. Many times, our extra functionality becomes, simply, superfluous. We end up building software that will never be used and we have to bury it, similarly to Jake burying everything burrito.

You Have to Fail Before You Can Succeed

The above meme-d line, "Sucking at something is the first step to becoming sorta good at something" rings absolutely true for software engineering (as well as many other disciplines, I am sure). In many ways, software engineering is all about learning! In order to stay up-to-date, we must learn new tools, technologies, languages, and we must do so continuously!

Sometimes learning new things can be daunting. We must realize, as Jake points out, that sucking is the first step to becoming awesome! We will all fail at first, but as we struggle and work, we will persevere and we will grown in knowledge and wisdom.

Homies Help Homies

As the above, tee-shirt quote says, "Homies help homies" (taken from the episode titled "Her Parents"). The idea of collaboration, of sharing wisdom and experience, is paramount for software development. As a newer developer, I can say that, through the wisdom of more senior developers, I have advanced at a rate beyond my ability to advance privately.

Lone-wolfing can be stunting. Through pair-programming, collaboration, mentoring and simply asking questions we benefit from the experiences of those who have seen more.

Programming Languages Are Like Jake's Favorite Cup

This is a pretty simple point: languages come and go. As developers, as stakeholders in an advancing industry, we need to be able to realize when a technology has expired. More importantly, we need to be able to move on and learn new technologies. There's nothing wrong with having a "favorite language" but, like Jake's cup, we need to be willing to drop it and learn something new, especially if our situation demands it.

Be Incremental

In the episode "Susan Strong," Finn and Jake meet Susan, one of many human-like beings that live underground. Upon bringing Susan to the world above, Finn recognizes that Susan is having trouble adjusting to her new environment. Finn decides to incrementally introduce the above-ground realm to Susan (this is when the above, modified Adventure Time logo is flashed).

This example of incremental exposure reminds me of two concepts that are important to developers, today. Firstly, when we learn new technologies, we should do so incrementally, so that we don't get overwhelmed. Secondly, when we develop software, it's helpful to do so incrementally. Incremental development is useful because it forces us to tackle small, bite-sized problems, resulting in bite-sized solutions that are more easily understood than complex, large solutions.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fluent Interfaces (With Ruby Examples)

As of late, a hammer of mine has been the use of fluent interfaces. Fluent interfaces are simply classes that, instead of having methods that return something uninteresting or nothing, return the calling instance.

So, in a general, strongly-typed language this might look like:
public class Foo {
    public Foo FluentMethod() {
        // do some stuff
        return this;

For simplicity's sake, I will use Ruby for the rest of this post. In the Ruby language this would look more like:
class Foo
  def fluent_method()
    # do some stuff

One of the biggest benefits of fluent interfaces is that they make change easier. For example consider the following, non-fluent code:
a_chicken =

mr_fox =

This code annoys me (somewhat) because mr_fox appears on four lines, which implies that if you wanted to change it, you would have to change each of the four lines. Also, if I fat-fingered one of those references, I would waste time fixing it when the interpreter caught it. Here comes fluent to the rescue:
a_chicken =

Isn't that better? mr_fox doesn't even exist anymore. Also, in my humble opinion, this style of method chaining greatly improves readability.

There's also a hidden benefit in this example: fluent interfaces logically group operations of a single object onto, technically, one SLOC. For example, if I didn't use fluent method chaining, there's nothing stopping me from mixing Chicken logic with Fox logic:
a_chicken =
mr_fox =

But if I made Fox fluent and described it with method chaining then there's no way for me to interleave Chicken logic, and, frankly, create a mess:
a_chicken =

Of course, I (at this point in my software career) would probably make Chicken fluent as well, but I think it's fairly clear what that would look like at this point.

Hopefully you've come to dig fluent interfaces (at least a little) at this point. To me it's pretty cool that (in dynamic languages) implementing a fluent interface can be as simple as tacking a four-letter-word (self) on the end of methods whose return value we found otherwise uninteresting.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

7 Ways to Learn a New Programming Language

1. Read a Book

This is perhaps the most traditional approach. You have to be careful with this one, because in programming things evolve very quickly. If you are looking for some good, up-to-date books on languages, I would suggest The Pragmatic Bookshelf.

2. Watch YouTube Videos and Follow Along

There are an insane amount of YouTube tutorials out there. My main difficulty with learning programming on YouTube has always been finding reliable teachers. I generally trust GoogleTechTalks and TheNewBoston as go-tos.

3. Start a New Project

Simply learn by doing! It is probably best to do this after you have had some form of a primer on the language. This is one of the most effective ways I have learned new languages. Just think about what you want to build, open google and stackoverflow (keep them handy for language-specific questions) and start coding away!

4. Complete Koans

Koans (path to enlightenment) are a superb way to gain some understanding about a new programming language. Usually test driven, they make you fix small "errors" in code files that emphasize some little feature of the language. Koans are generally incremental so by solving them, a broader understanding of the language is gained.

5. Practice with Cyber-Dojo

This is another tool that you may want to use after you have had some primer on the language you are trying to learn. Cyber-dojo is a cool tool for practicing TDD. It isolates programmers from bloated IDEs so that they can focus on problems, code and tests. Cyber-dojo values finding solutions over the actual solution itself. This makes it a great resource for learning a language, purely from a "writing and testing code" perspective.

6.  (If you like Math) Practice with Project Euler

If you can't come up with projects to work on, ProjectEuler presents some fun mathematical challenges that (should) grow harder as you progress through the list of problems. It's fun to develop a code-base around ProjectEuler solutions.

7. (If you like Biology) Practice with Rosalind

Like ProjectEuler, Rosalid is a collection of programming-esque problems. Unlike ProjectEuler, Rosalind problems are centered around Biology. Very cool, and fun.

Extra Tips

  • Some languages have online, interactive teaching tutorials which can be cool to check out.
  • If an language has an REPL, it can be helpful to play around in it or keep it open as you develop (so you can try code as you think of it). The instant feedback of a REPL is priceless in learning.

Controversial Programming Opinions I Agree With

I recently came across Bill the Lizard's blog post about controversial programming opinions. Shockingly, some of these really threw me off guard. Others, however, I kind of agree with. I'm fairly new to this development thing, but I would still like to take my chance to chime in on some of these "controversial" opinions that I fully agree with.

5. "Googling it" is okay!

So, there's been a lot of debate about whether google is helping or hindering us. One of my favorite articles about google's psychological affects argues that we are becoming reliant on google for "mindshare" (the process of delegating memory tasks to people around us). Some people are disturbed by the idea that google could be "replacing our memory" but I see it as a good thing, and here's why:
  • If we didn't have google to quickly retrieve information for us, we would have to use some other form of reference (dictionary, textbooks) which are expensive, are not always available, and have a longer look-up time. Or maybe we would just neglect to pursue correct information altogether (let's face it, we're pretty lazy).
  • Consider the quotes: "I never commit to memory anything that can easily be looked up in a book" and "Never memorize what you can look up in books." (Einstein) and ask yourself, "does this apply to the opinion 5?"
  • There is too much information to store it all in your mind. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things we should know as citizens and craftsmen in general, however, computer science is growing by the second. We can't know it all. Personally, I'm thankful that google knows things that I don't.

6. Not all programmers are created equal.

The gist of this one says that it's wrong to think that the amount of experience a developer has will indicate how good of a developer he (or she) is. I think Coding Horror has a few important points to make about this when he writes about becoming a better programmer, without programming.

7. I fail to understand why people think that Java is absolutely the best “first” programming language to be taught in universities.

Here's why I agree with this one:
  • Although OOP is a good thing to teach, universities (perhaps unfortunately) have to cater to a variety of majors, not just computer science. OOP is not necessary for many engineering students (e.g. electrical engineers who program chips in C and Assembly).
  • Java is difficult to "ease into." Intro to programming classes are just that, an intro. They should illustrate basic concepts. Java has a lot of overhead. For example, in Java, the classic "Hello, World" program has overhead that teachers, upon first exposure to students, are forced to wave their hands at. Right off the bat students are told to "just ignore 80% of what they're typing, just to make the computer say hello." Whereas, in simple languages like Python and Ruby, "Hello, World" can be as simple as a print statement and a string, two simple intro concepts that are isolated and less distracting than embedded classes.
  • For more advanced classes, a language like Java may be appropriate; however, there is a lot of speculation going around that Java is on the decline in the industry. The point is, even if it is the current, best language to teach -- it won't always be. It will die.
  • Java is a great language for teaching OOP, I'll give it that. But it fails to illustrate certain, slightly advanced, fundamental programming concepts (that schools like to teach) like pointers, manual memory allocation, etc... So even for advanced classes it isn't capable of teaching some slightly more advanced concepts.
  • I am, personally, fine with schools using Java, it is a good language. The statement that "it is absolutely the best" is flawed in that, it's just one of many excellent programming languages. To anyone who thinks otherwise, I would highly suggest Guido's PyCon keynote in which he criticizes language holy wars and trolls.

9. It’s OK to write garbage code once in a while.

  • It's better to write quick garbage code that does the job and later refactor it than it is to be an Artist.
  • Proof of Concept (POC) code is just proving a point. It doesn't necessarily need to be later maintained, read or extended.
  • Writing crappy code is part of learning to write better code. Also, refactoring your bad code can help you learn how to refactor others' bad code.

18. If you’re a developer, you should be able to write code.

Assuming "developer" means "one who constructs software" it seems necessary to be able to "stack the legos." Similarly to you can't break an omelette without breaking some eggs, you can't construct software without writing some code.

There are the opinions I find myself pretty much for. Please feel free to disagree in comments and let my know what you think.