Sunday, June 28, 2015

Object Oriented Clojure Example

Inspired by the message passing content in The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP), I decided to try my hand at object oriented-style programming in Clojure. Here's what I came up with, using the traditional bank account example

(defn make-account [initial-balance]
  (let [bal (ref initial-balance)
        withdraw (fn [amount]
                   (dosync (alter bal #(- % amount))))
        deposit (fn [amount]
                  (dosync (alter bal (partial + amount))))
        amount (fn []
                 (deref bal))
        reset (fn []
                (dosync (ref-set bal initial-balance)))]
    (fn [meth & args]
        (= meth :withdraw) (withdraw (first args))
        (= meth :deposit) (deposit (first args))
        (= meth :amount) (amount)
        (= meth :reset) (reset)))))

Overall, it was a fun little bit of code to write! It has a constructor (make-account), a private variable with mutation (bal) and some messages it responds to (:withdraw, :deposit, :amount and :reset).

Here's an example of it being used
(def account (make-account 1000))
(println (account :amount))
; -> 1000

(account :withdraw 75)
(println (account :amount))
; -> 1925

(account :reset)
(println (account :amount))
; -> 1000

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