Thursday, April 9, 2015

OOP Setters Can be Used to Emulate Partial Application

Recently I was asked an awesome question that went something like
How would you do something like high-order functions and partial application in object-oriented programming?
For high-order function my mind immediately jumped to Guava's Function Interface. I said, "hmmmm, let's see, could have some method (maybe called partiallyApply) that took an argument and returned another Function." In retrospect, this may have been overly complex, and a much simpler implementation of Function may work just as well in this case: fluent setters.

Let's look at a contrived, dead-horse-esque example. A partial function that does addition on two arguments.

In Haskell, if I wanted to build such a function, and partially apply it to, let's say 5, I might do the following
add5 = (+) 5

add5 10 -- is 15
In Clojure, this might look like
(def add-5 (partial + 5))

(add-5 10) ; is 15
So, how would I do this using setters? Simple! Here's some Ruby code
class Adder
  def value(first)
    @first = first

  def to(second)
    @second = second

  def add
    @first + @second

adder_of_5 = # is 15
This code (obviously) has a lot more ceremony wrapped around it, but it does achieve some of the same benefits as partial application (e.g. laziness, partial parameter fulfillment). The point is, if this were Java code, I could easily implement Function and change add to invoke and have a partial function in an object-oriented system.

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